Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1st blog

OK, so I haven't started eating to live yet. I will. I'm waiting until payday to by lots of veggies and fruits and such. Not so much and such but hopefully some. I haven't read the entire Eat to Live book yet and I hope I don't screw up by starting this without that done but I'm done. Done. Done with achy joints, tight clothes, losing my breathe everything I walk a few yards. And mostly I'm done with these migraines. 18 years + is plenty. They can go away now.

I'm not real sure why I want to blog about this. Mainly just to free up my mind of all the things I'm trying to remember but could just as well reread here. I don't expect anyone to read this and am not looking for feedback (at least not yet, we'll see). There will be ETL things on here and as I'm kinda outspoken there will probably be rants and raves about friends, family and strangers alike. It seems nicer to scream on here than shoot someone.

The ETL plan that I'm am going to start is vegan. Don't really know what that is but I'll research it some. I know I can eat vegetables and fruits and I think beans. Guess I need to go do that research.

1/24/12 3:00pm