Tuesday, February 14, 2012


OK So I suck at dieting. Gained another couple of pounds back. Oy. Haven't gained them all back but it's only a matter of time. I need to win the lottery just to hire a cook. Yea, that'll happen.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

eating good...welllll

I had meatloaf and potatoes for lunch. Didn't mind a salad just didn't wanna wait so long that Neal was already done eating so..meatloaf. Besides I love IGA's meatloaf. LOL of course had to buy some cherry sours. sigh I feel bad for cheating but i have begun to HATE lettuce and everything green.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm having a gloomy day. Just down. Wish I was home and busy. Eh, guess life goes on.

I think my goal for this week is to not gain back any of the weight lost last week. Having 2 migraines last week helped the weight loss and having the Superbowl eats didn't help this week so if I maintain I'll be ok. Had a salad yesterday. Max picked it up. OMG Too much ranch times 10. Good tho :) I had a grilled chicken wrapped from Sonic for lunch. Shouldn't have had the diet coke but did. In need of grub at home and don't see that happening til this weekend so I don't know how good I'll be.

But I'll sure try.


Saturday, February 4, 2012


OK, I'm trying. I really am. But I'm hungry. I'm making chicken wraps for my guys cause they don't lift a finger. And Imma gonna have one too!!! I'll be somewhat good and not fill it up with chicken and cheese. Lettuce, lettuce, lettuce and some chicken :). I found my bean pot recipe for refried beans. Looks interesting. Got the beans soaking overnight and I'll try them tomorrow. Can't wait.


I don't know why I'm so down but I sure hope I snap out of it soon, I eat when I'm down. I'm also having headaches and pains that I KNOW are dehydration related but I can't drink enough. Doesn't help that the bathroom at work is so far away and I don't WANT to drink too much.

Yesterday was good. Nice lettuce and carrot salad for lunch and broccoli and beans for supper. I was FULL. Didn't have a salad but I don't care. I'm the only one here today so no going to lunch. I brought grapes and a lettuce salad. Out of beans at home so I guess I need to make some tomorrow. I have a couple of cans to get me by.

Wish I was home.

Superbowl tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Go Giants!

Guess that's it for now. Life is boring today.

Friday, February 3, 2012

1 week down

and two migraines dealt with. #2 is still hanging on but hopefully it'll be gone soon.

202.5lb to 194.5lb that's 8 pounds in one week but I'm not fooling myself. Several of those are from being in bed for the last 36 hours throwing up with no intake at all. Dehydration. So my goal for this next week is to not gain it all back.

I didn't have the best week. Wednesday I cheated. Started with chicken on my salad, followed by a headache and oooo I know myself so well I thought I may as well cheat the rest of the day and get it out of the way, it might even get me over my headache. Backfire. I ate. Pain increased to the point of severe by Thursday morning. Ugh.

All I've had so far today is water. Can't even make myself want to eat. I did bring some oranges to work and IF I go to lunch I'm planning on going to Subway for a salad.

But right now I'm at work, in pain, wishing I was home.

left---now I'm back---

I had lunch, salad (lettuce and carrots and a tiny bit of ranch) and an orange. I'm beginning to feel human again.

Superbowl Sunday is on my mind tho. I wanna have SB food but nothing sounds WORTH it, ya know. Me and Bud will work on that one. I'm thinking mini cheeseburger pies (thanks for the recipe mom!). But even then I hope I have the power to only have one.

Off to work, see ya

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1st ETL migraine

Day started bad. Half a migraine pill and a few hours sleep with my pups and alls well. I'm really shocked. If ETL helps this much after 4 days I'm IN!!! Eating was hit and miss today. Didn't feel like breakfast and lunch was just fruit that really hurt my tummy. Supper was the usual tortilla with lettuce and bean juice. Also my broccoli salsa mix and beans. yummy. I'm sure I haven't eaten enough food today but I'm good. I took Odis for a walk around the place, then to Walmart and then home to clean the kitchen. I usually don't feel like doing any of those and I don't know if the my diet or just feeling better after the migraine but :)

Cramps haven't left yet but at least that's temporary. Damn Mother Nature.

1/31/12 9:15pm

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tough day

What a day. Not so much a bad day for me but Max...Oh boy! Can't go into it here but I don't know how he's holding it together. OY! I, too, didn't have an easy day. I was sooo hoping that James would just say lets go to the Anchor. mmmmmm Baconcheeseburger and onion rings. He didn't. I lived. I've been good, begrudgingly. Let's see, banana, actually I think it was two, orange, no lunch, tortilla with broccoli and cauliflower and romaine. Beans. I'm feeling a little hungry now but I think a big ole glass of water will help. But I gained a half a pound back this morning (although mother nature just hit, too) I'm tired. Need to rest. Night

1/30/12 9:30pm

OH! And Brandon helped today. As I was whining about eating something, anything, he said "but it'll be worth it when your migraines are gone". OMG I needed that, then. What a kid. Made my day :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

day three nearly done

Wow super was great. I could have that every night. And I just may. :)

tortilla loaded with romaine, cauliflower, broccoli, and a drizzling of bean juice. A pound of beans. Almost too many. May have to do less tomorrow. Afterward an orange. Come to think of it I missed my 1 cup or was that a pound of cooked veggies. hmmm May just leave that off today, I'm full.

I can't believe I'm saying that, I'm full. WOW I will absolutely weigh in the morning cause if I overdid today I won't want to do it again tomorrow.

I'm still in shock at how good I feel. Almost tingling. It's the weirdest thing. I don't know if this is the DT's or the detox is gonna leave this awesome feeling behind. Wouldn't that be great. haha

Bout to go tan and read. Goodnight!

1/29  7:15pm
WHAT AN AWESOME DAY!!!!  Zon and her 5 kids came by. Just a great day visiting. She's got such awesome kids. OK, truthfully (and I realize Zon may read this someday), I'd kill Andrew. That boy is 200% boy. WOW He just wears me out. But what a cutie.

I've stayed on my diet so well today. I'm so proud of myself. I've made hamburgers and hot dogs today. I have a pot of beans on right now. I did cheat there. I just had to salt them. I taste tested it and ick. I won't eat that crap so its cheat or throw away food. Um, NO. But so far I've had a banana, apple, orange and the last of my salad from the other day with just a bit of ranch. Helped immensely.

Note to self: shop for healthier Ranch dressing

I'm about to go check the beans and then fix me something to eat. I'll tell ya about it later.

1/29/12  5:30pm

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 2 lunch

Lunch was too good. Really. Didn't manage to stay on track but did my best. Bud grabbed a Subway salad and it had ham and too much ranch. Goooood.

1/28/12 4:30pm

Day Duece

Grabbed some fruit on the way out of the house today. Banana on the way to work and an orange later. Bud's here with me today. He's gone now trying to find a salad in Mannford. Sonic. NO. Subway...fingers crossed. I'm hungry but not to the point of cheating. I've got a bit of a headache again today. Excedrins killed it yesterday, hope it does today too. Didn't weight today. I know I will but what good could I have possibly done in a day. HA. Looking forward to baggy jeans.

1/28/12 12:00pm

Friday, January 27, 2012

We have liftoff!!

I did it! I started. I feel happy, worried, not quite hungry and ready to see how much weight I'll lose by next Friday. Not sure yet if I'll get on the scales or not in the mornings but I'm guessing I do. Just how I am.

Last post I said I'd go buy groceries or  I'd go out to eat and get groceries the next night. But I did this my way and feel so awesome about it. I went out to eat last night...last meal, 5 Star with Max and Dexter...but instead of waiting til I bought groceries I went ahead and decided to start. The timing is right as far as headaches, MN, DTs, etc. I ran by Walmart for oil and bought 2 bananas and apple and an orange. Ate the apple and a banana on the way to work. Wasn't bad but the apple peel in my teeth all day has drivin me nuts. For lunch Sean, the Merc Rep Brad, and I went to Steer Inn where I was expecting a great salad bar. OMG how awful. Lettuce mix, tomatoes and sunflower seeds. That's it. I had seconds of a small saucer full and it was $9.80. I'm sorry but what!!!??!! Anyway, I feel good. I'm dog tired, half NO caffiene at all. None. I'm kinda proud. But also because I had to run Sean to the ER. Poor guy it some sand while riding the Zuma at work. Broke his collar bone in half. I feel horrible for him. Took us over an hour to get to St. Francis. He's a really trooper. Looks like possible surgery.

I'm beat. Goodnight
1/27/12 10:45 pm

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Almost ready to begin

Well, the time is approaching quickly. I'm both worried I won't keep it up and excited as hell to try. Today was payday and I'm hoping to go produce shopping tonight or tomorrow night. Still reading my book and loving it. Ideally I would have a cook to prepare my plates and I'd just have to eat. I think I could do this that way with no problems but alas poor people are the cooks. Been eating too good the last couple of days. Enjoying my last Diet Dew. I can't imagine life without them but then I also can't imagine life without migraines. . . . and fat.

1/26/12  3:00

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1st blog

OK, so I haven't started eating to live yet. I will. I'm waiting until payday to by lots of veggies and fruits and such. Not so much and such but hopefully some. I haven't read the entire Eat to Live book yet and I hope I don't screw up by starting this without that done but I'm done. Done. Done with achy joints, tight clothes, losing my breathe everything I walk a few yards. And mostly I'm done with these migraines. 18 years + is plenty. They can go away now.

I'm not real sure why I want to blog about this. Mainly just to free up my mind of all the things I'm trying to remember but could just as well reread here. I don't expect anyone to read this and am not looking for feedback (at least not yet, we'll see). There will be ETL things on here and as I'm kinda outspoken there will probably be rants and raves about friends, family and strangers alike. It seems nicer to scream on here than shoot someone.

The ETL plan that I'm am going to start is vegan. Don't really know what that is but I'll research it some. I know I can eat vegetables and fruits and I think beans. Guess I need to go do that research.

1/24/12 3:00pm